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  2. Editing Your AI Tags

Changing AI Tags For A Specific Comment

Use our edit tag feature when you need to change the AI tag shown

If you want to directly change the AI tags for a specific conversation, you can do this in Discover. This is good for when you have a small sample of data and want to make sure 100% of AI tags are correct, or when you want to share a specific conversation.

Any changes you make are recorded by the dashboard and sent as feedback to your AI model, which helps to improve it's accuracy.

  • You can remove a tag, by clicking on the AI tag.
  • You can also add tags, by clicking on "+ Add" where a searchable list of AI tags will appear:

  • When looking at a survey response, you can change the sentiment (positive or negative) by also clicking on the AI tag:

  • Whenever you make a change, make sure to click 'Save':